Friday 29 April 2016

Spiders buying bicycles and sending saucy postcards.

Today was the last day of my course... at least as far as lessons to and fro and tutor marked assignments. I am now at the phase where I put everything together, decide which of the taught forms I want to submit my end-of-course assignments in and then get to work on producing it / them.

I have already decided that I'll be focussing on poetry - no surprises there - but what the focus of my efforts will be is still a matter of my ever-changing concerns. So while I'm dithering I've made another spine poem and mocked up an image to illustrate it - without strings of onions - and am now off to power walk my way around the town while I think.

another spine poem

      three sheets to the wind
      a spider bought a bicycle
      a breath of French air
      stopping places
      left bank
      French postcards

Three Sheets To The Wind, Pete Brown
A Spider Bought a Bicycle, Michael Rosen
Stopping Places, Simon Evans
Left Bank, Kate Muir
French Postcards, Jane Merchant

Tuesday 19 April 2016

The Paper-Cut Poet

Today I made a series of amazingly simple poem and papercut collaborations.... I loved it!
So, as of today, I intend to further experiment with this interesting combination of outlets for my overbubbling of artistic interests.
I have opened up a separate blog page to store the images and words in the mean time and will see how it develops.
Cherry blossoms bubble
over jutting branches.
Blush burnished sunlight.

Today I started my new project called The Papercut Poet. It has been on the backburner for a few months as I'm creeping through the last few sections of my current Creative Writing course but finally I thought 'Why not? What am I waiting for?' And so I now have a fresh and fruity sister page for this one: 
On it, I'm able to post my more cutting (pun intended) paper related postings and will be updating this page with some of its content as and when it seems relevant. I've kicked things off with a new pet distraction - Book Spine Poetry! I guess it comes from hours gazing and ruminating over what to write, the best words for what I want to say, the best form to house or contain those words etc. etc. I find my eyes wandering to the bookshelves that surround my working space and the incredible titles that some of them have. I've often smiled at the juxtaposition of different titles and how they seemed to have connections but never knew this was an existing form of poetry. Who'd have thought it?
book-spine-poem.jpgSo here is a jpg of my first posting:

in the wolf's mouth
losing battles
the ringmaster's daughter
the whole woman
all passion spent
exquisite corpse