Tuesday, 10 May 2016

A Writers Muse

While I'm tidying up the last parts of my Open University module I'm thinking back to the journey thus far. Funny things popped into my mind while I was procrastinating... where the inspiration for various short stories and poems had come from and how far I've come on my writers journey.

The one I'm adding below is about a friend, Jacquie, who wore an amazing fur coat despite blazing sunlight and (almost) patiently waited while I soaked up the art in our local gallery. I went there for inspiration but it turned out that Jacquie was the real inspiration - my muse. 

Here my muse is immortalised in Sonnet form and represents the Greek muse Euterpe and naming her 'Melissa', as she is a honey bee. ;-)

…blows into the gallery, airily 
waving, weaving like a bee    blown    off    course.
Overly muffled in her fur coat, puck-
ers air kissed greetings from a walnut face.
Cicada-heeled clicks mark her territory,
hums eighties tunes, flits frame-to-frame, simply
impervious to reproach, tuttings. She
fills rooms with untamed hair and ringtones. We 
quit artistic constraints, choose decadence,
suck Turkish coffee floats through fluted straws. 
Time slips, listening to vinyl, dusky notes, 
mesmerised. Lounging on cushions, she thaws,
leans close to buzz seductions in my ear,
musked, honeyed inducements - 'I live quite near.’    

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