Was I frustrated? Hell yes!
I managed to get the darn thing to transmit to my Youtube account - a few seconds of startled looking headshot with hair all over the place (think Bride of Frankenstein and you'll be near enough) but not to have anyone join the damn thing.
The 'anyone' was actually me on a borrowed computer and email address so at least I only frustrated myself but frustration there was and is still making itself felt. I might add that each computer uses a different operating system so I was in effect multitasking+. Perhaps it was inevitable that I'd have bald patches by the end of it all.
So why does everything have to be so hard? Why can't it just happen like Apple products linking up? I don't know but if you have the answer I'd very much like to have it. My plan is to facilitate a number of people having an online creative writing community where there is a video part for those who want to be seen looking like a Gothic horror movie extra as I'm aware that a lot of distance learning can be very isolating and it seems like a sensible idea to have something move caring-sharing out there. Google Hangouts sounded like it but doesn't appear to be, at least not from my feeble efforts today.
Apart from that I'm taking the slightly mad step of working in collaboration with a member of the family to set up some real world creative hangouts and am hopeful that they'll be ever so slightly less mentally damaging.
Have I written today? Need you ask? Well actually nothing creative as yet but I'm heading into the garden to rectify that in a minute as I feel the need to do something I love rather than struggle on. I've also eaten a spoonful of my homemade gooseberry and blueberry ice-cream - cos I deserved it - and it was lovely! Who'd have thought that the cheapest ice-cream maker on the market would produce such delights. And before you think I'm referring to myself (Cheap? Never darling!) I'll clarify that by saying it was the machine thingy that I was referring to. Anyway, scrumptious it most assuredly was and resisting its charms any further than a scoop made me feel.... RIGHTEOUS!
I'm just going to park my halo and nip out to the garden for a spot of rather naughty poetry as all that goodness has to come to a sticky end some time.
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