Friday, 10 July 2015

Another day in paradise.... well, if you don't mind the acrid smell of stripping decades of paint and varnish from a door that is. The lengths to which I will go just to prove that I can get this door looking good! Apart from that I am on a high after the OU course results came in yesterday and with some very gratifying news.

So today I have pruned the ancient apple tree that is trained along walls and over a cheap metal trellis marvelling at the way the tree has taken over and now gives strength to the diminished metal structure. The apples are coming and even needed thinning due to their abundance while below its trunk ground bees are making a purposeful trajectory in and out of their subterranean queendom.

As an homage to the wonderful weather I have donned the most ridiculous pair of floral shorts, more like pants with pom-poms on. Over the wall children are playing in the school - two weeks till the summer holidays? - while the tall trees of the abandoned railway track (now grandly called a nature reserve) nod and bow in gentle breezes.

If you're wondering if I'm keeping up my Haiku per day resolution, of course, no matter what there are always haiku's tripping off my pen! Not only that but I'm going to give the students of A215 a surprise by suggesting we compile a book of poetry - an ebook - as we progress through the course. Heady times!

Excited shouts and
Laughter in playgrounds tell us

Holidays are nigh.

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